Thursday, August 16, 2007

Daily Rant

According to Variety, Ryan Seacrest will serve as "Master of Ceremonies" at the Super Bowl this coming year in Arizona. Really? Does anyone else find this disturbing? Does Fox really think they need more American Idol cross promotion? I can think of about a million reasons this is a horrible idea. I mean, c'mon! Ryan Seacrest is king of the metrosexuals. I realize this is 2007, but football is still about as testosterone-y as it gets. I can't really imagine Seacrest is a believable host for such an event. I'm a chick and I wouldn't even ask Seacrest about football. Teeth whitening and fashion tips, maybe, but football?!? I don't think so.


Dave Harrington said...

C'mon, you don't think Seacrest is a "Man's Man"?

I bet you he's in a fantasy league...

Liz said...

Reason #978 Fox is ruining sports